Who Are We

Our Mission is to train dedicated Christian leaders, in an urban setting, for the Church-in-Mission by providing quality tertiary education that is Evangelical, Holistic and Contextual.

Statement of Faith

We Believe :

  • The Holy Scriptures, as originally given by God, are divinely inspired, entirely trustworthy and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

  • There is one God, eternally existent in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God created the universe and pronounced it good.

  • Our Lord Jesus Christ is God visible in a body, born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless human life. During his earthly ministry he did miracles. He died in our place to atone for our sins. He was buried, and on the third day arose from the dead. He ascended into Heaven. He is the only Mediator and Saviour of the world. He will personally return in power and authority.

  • Humankind, male and female, was created in the image of God, with consequent dignity, delegated authority and creation stewardship. As a result of the Fall, all people are lost and sinful, in need of salvation.

  • Salvation is available only through the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ and his salvation are received by repentance and faith, apart from human effort, as the Holy Spirit brings about new birth.

  • The Holy Spirit indwells, empowers and equips each believer, who is hereby obliged and enabled to live a holy life, to witness and to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in His Kingdom concerns, including worship, prayer, evangelism, discipling, compassion, justice and righteousness.

  • All believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are spiritually united with each other. These comprise the Church, the Body of Christ of which He is Head.

  • All the dead will be raised on the Last Day; those who are saved to eternal life and those who are lost to eternal condemnation.


Our Vision is to offer a relevant mode of theological education to those who are involved in ministry, have realized the need for theological training, but can’t utilize the residential model or the distance model for various reasons


  • Evangelical – The Holy Scriptures, as originally given by God, are divinely inspired, entirely trustworthy and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

  • Holistic – “Evangelization requires the whole church to take the whole gospel to the whole world.” – John Stott

  • Contextual – Demonstrating the whole Gospel to be relevant in the ministry setting by word and deed – considering regional, racial, historical, economic, or any other context of ministry.

Learning Outcomes And Objectives

Learning Outcomes

We aim, within an urban, African context, to produce dedicated servant-leaders for the church-in-mission who:

  • – Are able to reflect critically and articulate a personal theological position that is Evangelical and missiological in emphasis and which shows appreciation for historical and contextual processes and the richness of African culture;

  • – Have developed communication, administrative, inter-personal, leadership and academic skills;

  • – Are teachable, servant-hearted, compassionate, concerned for justice and whose spirituality bears godly fruit



Our objectives:

  • – To provide excellent practical Christian theological education at a tertiary level for both lay people and clergy

  • – To work in partnership with the local church and parachurch organisations.

  • – To support, advance and promote the growth of the Christian faith.

  • – To play an active role in the community in the areas of social development and upliftment.